The buoyancy course is a special pride of the NDL.
In our opinion, perfect buoyancy is something that any diver should master.
Perfect buoyancy allows you to significantly improve the safety and comfort of diving, reduce air consumption, improve the accuracy of underwater navigation, and much more.
That is why the National Dive League has developed a special buoyancy course, which is included in the set of compulsory courses if an amateur diver wants to become a professional.
The NDL diver does not make mistakes. Never.
In the theoretical part of the buoyancy course, the instructor will talk with you about the physical aspects of buoyancy control, the rules for selecting and distributing weights, and will analyze the most common mistakes made while diving.
Understanding these aspects will help you to avoid such mistakes. You will only have to work out the technique of buoyancy control during practical classes.
You will work out the knowledge gained in the class with a help of the instructor in the water for five practical sessions. Gradually, you will achieve perfection in controlling your own buoyancy, stroke technique, and position of your body under water.
All this will allow you to master buoyancy at the level of the NDL professional.
You can often see a similar situation at the resorts, when a beginner who has only completed the NDL basic course and the NDL buoyancy course, controls his buoyancy better than a diver who has already done dozens, maybe hundreds of dives.
Quantity does not always mean quality. Quality is achieved at the NDL buoyancy course.
Show them all how it should be done.
After completing the NDL Professional Buoyancy Diver course, you will already be masterful in buoyancy. However only sky is the limit. If you want to learn a unique swimming technique. If you want to have a number of techniques that other professionals will envy, then the NDL Advanced Professional Buoyancy Diver course is for you.
Such skills as helicopter turn, reverse motion, performing a number of skills in neutral buoyancy in hovering and others are practiced during the course.
It is very difficult, but it is the highest level. A strong desire will lead you to success.