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Why NDL?

Advantages of NDL for diving professionals

World experience at your service.
Programs and courses of the National Dive League comply with international standards ISO.

Compliance with high ISO standards means that your instructor qualifications will be internationally recognized, and your students will receive international diving certificates and will be able to dive in any part of the world.
XXI century textbooks.
All textbooks are available in electronic form in free access on the NDL website. Your students can read them absolutely for free, without going through the tedious registration procedures.
Educational materials have been translated into many languages of the world and are available by switching to the corresponding language version of the NDL website.
Read the textbooks >

Interesting about what really matters.
All textbooks are written in a professional literary language, which makes the reading not only useful, but also fascinating.

The textbooks do not contain any unnecessary information, so as not to waste time of your students and focus their attention on the really important things.

Not only the theoretical part of the training is described in detail, but also its practical part. Each exercise is described gradually, which makes their mastering in the future as simple as it is possible.
NDL textbooks
Completely Unique.

Textbooks and training programs are themselves a unique advantage of NDL.

This is a collective work of methodists and experienced scuba diving practitioners.

Each course, each training program contains not only high semantic value and significance for improving safety during scuba diving, but also has a high marketing value for the instructor.

Not to mention that some of the training materials simply have no analogues in the world: the world's first amateur ice diving textbook, the world's first children's diving textbook, and many others.
Having textbooks freely available on the NDL website fulfills another very important function: after the basic course, the student does not stop there, he continues to read other NDL textbooks.

In this way, he is introduced to other NDL courses, and over and over again returns to his instructor to continue his training and improve his diver skills.
Features of the basic course NDL Diver
Serious training for real diving.
Features of the course
Professional Buoyancy Diver
Top of art
Necessary condition.
The buoyancy course is a special pride of the NDL.

In our opinion, perfect buoyancy is something that any diver should master.
Perfect buoyancy allows to significantly improve the safety and comfort of diving, reduce air consumption, improve the accuracy of underwater navigation, and much more.

That is why the National Dive League has developed a special buoyancy course, which is included in the set of compulsory courses if an amateur diver wants to become a professional.
Continuation of training
No limit to perfection.
NDL Advanced Universal Diver course
Three in one.
We also have our own view on advanced level training. The NDL Advanced Universal Diver course is not a superficial study of a little bit of everything, when the student has not really learned anything at all, but a detailed study of 3 underwater disciplines: underwater navigation, deep diving and night dives*.

After completing this course, the student becomes a specialist in these areas and compares favorably with other divers who have not been trained by NDL instructors.
More about NDL Advanced Universal Diver course
*in agreement with the NDL Headquarter, the instructor is able to replace the study of the discipline "night diving" if it is impossible to perform it for any good reason with another discipline approved by the office of the NDL.
Rescue and first aid courses
Your buddy is under your protection.
The course NDL Medic First Aid was created in accordance with the latest recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council and is popular not only with divers, but also with people who are not engaged in diving.

The course NDL Rescue Diver is focused mainly on anticipating and preventing an emergency. However, even if such a situation occurs, after passing this course your student will clearly understand how to behave in this case.
Learn more about NDL Rescue Diver and NDL Medic First Aid courses >
NDL Diveleader
One step away from a professional.
It happens that a student who has already taken all possible amateur courses with you has not yet decided whether he needs an NDL Divemaster course, since this is a rather voluminous and, as a rule, expensive course. In this case, you can offer him to take the NDL DIveleader course.

The NDL Diveleader course is a unique NDL course. Its mission, like one of the objectives of the NDL Divemaster course, is to prepare a dive organizer. But if the divemaster course is a large, voluminous course where a real diving professional is trained, then the NDL Diveleader course only provides the basics of organizing a dive with a group of divers. But after the NDL Diveleader course, in which the student, under the supervision of an NDL instructor, enthusiastically organizes groups of divers, he has no doubts that he definitely needs to take the NDL Divemaster course.
Diving diversity.
The National Dive League has developed many special courses. Some of them have no analogues in the world.
Ice Diver
Winter is coming...

The textbook about ice diving deserves individual attention. This is the world's first textbook about amateur ice diving. While developing it, we took into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for working on ice.

Your safety is our job.
Teaching children requires a special approach. What is easy to explain to adults is not always easy to explain to children. Therefore, the National Dive League has developed a separate diving textbook specifically for teaching children. This is the world's only diving textbook for children.
See what is usually hidden from us in the depths of the sea. Achieve the weightlessness under water. The goal of the National Dive League is to make scuba diving accessible to absolutely everyone. For this reason, we have created special programs for people with special needs. These programs are unique and different from their analogues because they are not just general recommendations, but a clearly defined procedure for performing each exercise, taking into account individual characteristics of a person. And all this is supported by scientific medical justification made by specialists of the Russian Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht.
NDL technical diving programs are created in accordance with the latest world developments. Like any other NDL training materials, the technical diving textbook is a symbiosis of the work of methodologists and experienced practitioners of deep diving: carefully detailed theoretical foundations of decompression dives, a detailed plan of practical classes, safety as the basis of organization and planning
In addition to textbooks for students, NDL has developed detailed instructor manuals for each course. NDL manuals are not only general standards, but also a detailed outline of lectures and practical sessions.

The uniqueness of the NDL manuals lies in the fact that the lesson plan is detailed as much as possible, which greatly simplifies the instructor's reading of the theoretical part of the course to the student.

You can see an example of how the NDL manuals are compiled by clicking on the button below.
Comprehensive quality
control of training.
The standards for each course of study are posted on the National Dive League website and freely accessible. The training materials describe the theoretical and practical classes in detail. You are always able to ask our employees any question by email.

All of the above, as well as other monitoring methods, create a reliable quality control system. This is one of the reasons why every year more and more students choose the NDL system for training.

Your underwater document.
At the end of training, your student will receive a diver's certificate in both plastic and electronic form. You do not need to pay for an electronic or plastic certificate separately: they come in a set in NDL.

As soon as you click the "register student" button in your Professional Zone on the NDL website, your student will instantly receive an electronic certificate and will be able, in the literal sense of the word, to plunge into adventure.
All certificates will find their owners.

Your student will get an electronic certificate immediately by installing a free mobile app. A plastic certificate he will receive by mail.

Our employees process numerous applications for certification as quickly as possible. Our couriers visit the post offices on a weekly basis and are already welcome there.

The average delivery time of plastic certificate is 3 weeks.

In addition, all mails have a departure number and can be tracked on the state post office website. This guarantees that your student will get his underwater document.

Lightning-fast issuance of document.
The National Dive League has a large network of offices and representatives in Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Brazil, Malaysia, Egypt and many other countries around the world.

If you work, for example, on the Phuket island or in Sharm el-Sheikh, you can order the issue of a diver certificate instantly at your local representative office without a short but still waiting for the certificate to be delivered by mail.
Warranty of genuineness.
Even in the rare event that your student arrives at a resort and has forgotten his plastic diver certificate at home, and he is not able to demonstrate its electronic version, he will be able to confirm his status as a diver directly on the NDL website.

Or, if a diver comes to you and you have doubts that the certificate he is showing is genuine, you can also check its authenticity.

In addition, here you can check the training status of any NDL professional: whether he has an active professional status and whether this person is an instructor in general.
Confirm the diver status >

The possibility of such verification excludes any attempts by impostors to unfairly assign themselves the high title of NDL instructors and ensures maximum confidence in NDL certificates.

More than just an app.
The NDL mobile app is not just a repository of your electronic certificates, but also your electronic logbook, no-decompression dive planner, verification of any NDL diver status, and a convenient working tool for the instructor.
And all this is absolutely free.
NDL Instructor.
A person who is always ahead.
Leader. Organizer. Professional.
NDL Instructor course - a higher education in diving. Only the best scuba divers pass it.

In addition to bringing diving skills to perfection, practicing underwater teaching methods for students, a detailed analysis of the theory of diving, management and marketing in the diving business, a significant part of the instructor's course is devoted to didactics, teaching skills, leadership skills and public speaking.

Excellent presentation design is what sets an NDL instructor apart. NDL instructors are taught not only to voice the theses that are described in the manuals, but also to explain them in detail, to bring their personal experience, which makes the instructor's lectures more interesting and understandable for students.

Such a teacher does not just want to continue to learn, you just want to communicate with him in a human way, to travel with him, discovering all the new unexplored corners of the World Ocean.
Before enrolling in an NDL Divemaster or Instructor course, a candidate must have completed a buoyancy course. This means that the NDL instructor or divemaster has excellent control over their buoyancy in the water column.
While observing the high quality of the training of the NDL professionals, other divers strive to meet the high standard of swimming proficiency. This motivates them to improve their diving skills on other NDL courses.
Choose your own way to perfection.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
The flexible structure of NDL courses allows you, after a student has completed a basic course, to prompt him in the direction where he should improve his skills.
The range of courses includes some courses that do not require so-called "open water" and can be taken in the pool. A special ice diving course allows you to dive even in the frosty winter. This way you turn diving from an exclusively summer or resort type of recreation into an all-year hobby that you are able to do in any season.
Quality mark
Each diving center and NDL professional in active status has his own page on the NDL website, where he can post information about himself. This information is freely available and is essentially an advertisement for a club or instructor.
Registration and renewal of the NDL diving center status is for free!

To register a diving center, it must only meet the NDL requirements and standards for diving centers in terms of equipment, classroom, etc.
High quality for a reasonable price
In the NDL there is no requirement for the mandatory purchase of any additional materials by professionals.

You can download all additional materials from the Professional Zone on the NDL website for free and, if you wish, print it yourself.

In the NDL Professional Zone, layouts of posters, instructor stamps, logbooks, gift certificates and much more are available for download.
Never too much of a good thing.
There are 2 bonus programs for NDL professionals.
More certificates - less price
The more you teach students, the lower the cost of certification becomes for you (up to 20% below the initial cost!).
Discounts for trained and involved professionals.
If you have trained an NDL professional or agitated him to become an NDL professional, then with each amount paid by him in NDL, you will receive bonus points to your account, with which you can pay for your certificates and annual fees.
You invited your familiar to become an NDL professional.
Becoming a professional, he pays fees to the NDL
With each payment you receive bonus points and you can pay with them on the NDL website.
Underwater family.
The main goal of the NDL is to create a united and friendly diving community, to ensure safety while diving and protect the environment.

The safety of the underwater world and the safety of people in it is what is really important to us.
Improve the world of diving with the NDL.
Join the large international NDL community and change the world of diving with us for the better.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have!